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Well-known scientists call for new safety limits on radio frequency radiation

A couple of days ago I received a message from Dr. Lennart Hardell. If you are familiar a bit with the issue of EMF risks… Read More »Well-known scientists call for new safety limits on radio frequency radiation

Everything that you need to know about the NTP cell phone radiation study

Recent NTP (National Toxicology Program) study on cell phone radiation risks attracted a lot of attention. There are a lot of discussions but not so… Read More »Everything that you need to know about the NTP cell phone radiation study

Smartphones and Kids

Quiz 02 – Smartphones and Kids

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What science knows about electrohypersensitivity?

I guess most people heard or read something about that strange phenomena which is called electrohypersensitivity (EHS). And, unfortunately, some people, especially those who search… Read More »What science knows about electrohypersensitivity?

Let’s reduce your cell phone radiation 30 000 times!

Are you kidding me? No. Here is science-based step by step manual on so significant reduction of level of microwave exposure from your cell phone… Read More »Let’s reduce your cell phone radiation 30 000 times!

How cell phone / WiFi radiation can hurt you and how to fight it

American biochemist and biophysicist Albert Szent-Györgyi, Nobel laureate, who contributed a lot in bioenergetics, stated something like that: A biologist should be very skeptical if… Read More »How cell phone / WiFi radiation can hurt you and how to fight it